Five Non-Negotiable Habits for Crushing Your Fitness Goals (No Excuses)

habits for success Sep 21, 2024

In a world obsessed with fad diets and quick-fix gimmicks, it’s downright controversial (and let’s be honest, unpopular) to say that real results take real work. But if you’re here, I’m guessing you’ve been through the diet rollercoaster before—and now, you’re ready for the kind of sustainable results that’ll have your 20-year-old self green with envy!

You want results? It’s not magic—it’s discipline. Here are the five daily habits I follow like a religion to stay strong, fit, and on top of my game (both in fitness, business, & life):


  1.   Wake Up With a Plan or Fall Behind. 

Every single day, I know exactly what I’m eating before I even get out of bed. I don’t just wing it—my meals are planned out a week in advance on Sundays. That’s right, no guesswork, no scrambling, no “I’ll figure it out later.” Those that plan win andddd for women like us who have A LOT going on this makes nutrition simple, fast, & fit into even the busiest days.


  1.   Get Moving First. Period. 

Every morning, before touching my phone, I move.  Some mornings it is my cardio for the day, some mornings a power walk, and others yoga to work off the stiffness from a tough training session the day before.  Either way, I make moving a priority before I touch my phone or dare look at emails & DM’s. 


  1.   Protein is Queen. 

I don’t mess around when it comes to fueling my body. Every meal? Prioritized protein. I aim for 1 gram per pound of body weight, no exceptions. The bare minimum you should be hitting is 0.8 grams per pound of bodyweight. 

Oh, and you’ll never catch me without my water. Hydration is key, people.


  1.   Sleep Like It’s Your Job. 

As someone who struggled with insomnia so bad, about 12 years ago, that I was sent to sleep clinics to try and figure out what was going on, I GET the struggle with sleep.  I know that late night ceiling stare all too well.  If this is you, a book that changed my life is called Say Goodnight to Insomnia! Make sure to check it out!

Anyway, I get seven-plus hours of sleep every night—no compromise. Earplugs, sleep mask, and tracking with my Fitbit to make sure I’m hitting my targets. Rest is where the magic happens, and I’m not here to leave results on the table.


  1.   Stress Less, Win More. 

I get it, easier said than done in the fast paced lives we live. Trust me, as the CEO of 3 companies…. I get it, AND, we absolutely CAN take back control of our mental health & stress levels.  Your thoughts are not you and they are not reality.  My background in Psychology, working as a counsellor, is a central part of the work I do with clients creating iron strong mindsets.

So, how do I help with stress? Well, exercise ultimately does however my daily scorecard includes one stress-reducing activity—every single day. Whether it’s hanging with my chickens, reading, or soaking in a bubble bath, I make time for MYSELF, and for my mental health, because a strong mind equals a strong body.


The Power of Small Changes

Here’s the thing: Most people think they need to completely overhaul their lives to see results. They try to change everything all at once going from couch potato to super charged athlete overnight—diet, exercise, sleep, mindset, training—and end up overwhelmed, burnt out, and back to square one.

But here’s the truth: You don’t need a massive overhaul to make a massive change. It’s the small, consistent habits that stack up over time to create epic results.

These five habits? They’re simple. They don’t require a lot of time or extreme effort. But they’re powerful when you commit to them every day. By making small, consistent changes like planning your meals, prioritizing protein, moving your body, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress, you’ll see progress in a matter of weeks—and major transformations in a couple of months.

The magic is in the consistency. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about showing up and making those small changes every single day. Before you know it, those tiny adjustments have compounded, and you’re seeing results you never thought possible.

So, instead of trying to change everything at once, start with these five habits. Stick with them. Let them become part of your routine, and watch how they build momentum. The results will come—faster than you think.

Oh, and a reminder: Anything that creates FAST results causes a fast crash after.  It isn’t worth reaching for the newest trends, jogging hours a day for slow steady state cardio, or starving yourself.

You CAN get results in a sustainable way.  Epic results that will blow the mind of your 20 year old self!

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